Saturday, April 28, 2012

Week Sixteen

I got set back a little bit, but I am working hard to catch up!  I'm pretty excited about this rendering, because it's been sparking some fun conversations about a collaboration I might end up doing with my brother, who's a writer (amongst other things).  It's still at the throwing ideas around stage, but we might end up doing a book of stories paired with renderings and/or jewelry/metal pieces, which would be super awesome.

But never mind all that! On to the thing of the week!  It needs a bit more work, some extra shading and highlights, and a shadow put in, but it's very nearly finished.  (And, as of yet, unnamed, but I'm working on that!)


  1. Bubba is really a writer? Since I am related to him AND you I think I should have known that.... PS love the bee!


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